The South Riding RV Travels


Rick & Jan's route - May 2008

Well the best laid plans.... After planning to do less mileage, we actually did over 2200 miles this month. But it hasn't felt like a lot of travelling. We've had several extended periods at places and we've rarely done over 150 miles in a day. Wisconsin and Minnesota were fairly empty and the weather was cold. Most folk thought we were a little early and they were probably right. Daffodils were just blooming as we left! and most of the trees still had no leaves. We eventually tired of the cold and moved to Iowa where the weather was more temperate. In fact it was very nice as we travelled across the plains but started to get a bit wild as we reached the western edge of Nebraska. We also didn't notice the steady climb but by the time we reached Cheyenne we were at 700ft and it was cold at night again. Now we have moved down through the spectacular scenery of the Rockies from Denver south and are approaching the final major area we plan to visit. Once again we have found a perfect balance between the time of year, the altitude and the temperature. Southern Colorado is a place we could live - at least in the  summer. Being still at 7000ft I suspect it gets fairly bleak here in winter.